Winning in the sales game: why people don't buy from you

In the world of broad competition, your skill set, products, and services will most likely be available from multiple vendor sources. Buyers have a choice! They search for options before deciding to buy! If you are talking to a prospect, it is a fact that they are interested on some level, otherwise you would not be having the conversation! It is what you do with this interaction that will determine whether people will buy from you or not. Whether you're selling at a job interview or selling a product and service, when you get that new sales job, here are 5 reasons why people don't buy from you.

Why people don't buy from you:

1. Attitude is altitude and yours is too close to the ground: your attitude emanates from you in any way: how you dress, how you talk about your products, yourself, the market, your competition, the economy. Get the right attitude on your mind and demonstrate a friendly, curious, balanced, and optimistic approach to sales and your customer. Let go of your expectations and do what you can to develop a positive mindset; If this means personal development work and getting honest feedback from your colleagues or clients, do it today!

2. Your communication skills need to be shaken. Like a muscle: use it or lose it. A very common problem: his sensory awareness is low, he ignores all the clues the client gives him that his interest is low. You haven't asked questions or don't know how to unlock the customer's buying strategy, or get to the key issues the customer needs to solve. You are so busy talking, you have no idea where your customer is, and therefore the relationship is never built in the first place.

3. You are selling instead of helping someone buy. No one likes to be sold, even when we know that this is the job of the seller. Each buyer likes to feel that they made the decision in due time. It is a natural human reaction to walk away from an aggressive salesperson. So swap shoes with your customers and see what it sounds and feels like to receive their sales proposal. Do you address customer needs or are you just talking about your product?

4. Poor Selling Skills or Lack of Understanding: Time and pressure to sell often mean that we neglect a key ingredient in a big sale: well-honed techniques and proper training. Maybe your training has been ad-hoc, you're rooting for it, hoping your sales technique bag will make the sale, while hitting the square peg in the round hole. It may be time to go back and check how your sale works or you need to polish up. Feedback from your sales and people numbers are great ways to assess your skills and how good your sale is.

5. Your monitoring strategy is poor or non-existent. When you have made the sale, how often do you get repeat business or develop other business opportunities with your customer? Even if you don't get the sale, follow up and find out why. And be ready to eat humble cake! You will elevate your ขายเกมส์ and avoid making the same mistakes again. The client will think better of his action and perhaps consider it for future business.


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