Selling online games: why pieces are worth more

Various games can be purchased at a very low price: a cheap board game like Trivial Pursuit can be purchased for around £ 3. But considering the fact that people always want questions and that a medium-sized game can have More than 1000 questions, it is more profitable to sell the question cards in packs of 50 or 100 or whatever.

Of course, not only is Trivial Pursuit the only quiz game, but of course a popular type of quiz game that people would look for.

Special game pieces can also be collectibles, like the gold version of Monopoly or Clue are also collectibles. as well as special novelty versions of the game, but of course everything is much more collectible. Doing a little research, looking at the complete listings will help you determine the value of a particular item. Of course, once you remove pieces from a set, it is no longer complete and cannot be sold as such.

Antique board ขายเกมส์ are particularly collectible, like Mah Jong (which is the preferred spelling, only Mah Jongg is also correct). However, the darker the game, the less likely it is to be searched; it may be preferable to find a private dealer. For example, how many people would search for halma or merelles? Even if you no longer have the pieces for a game, the boards can still be considered reminiscent of childhood.

Another item worth looking at is the card packages. Of course, the simple packages are worth almost nothing, but if they have a famous designer on the back, or feature a special TV / movie character or historical people, they are worth much more. The problem is that the cards in a package are lost; this is important if they were used as game cards or placed on a screen.


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