Charms and magic charms of good luck

An amulet / amulet of good luck that means "an object that protects a person from problems", is a close cousin of the talisman, from the Greek, which means "to initiate in the mysteries", it consists of any object destined to bring good luck and / or protection to its owner. Potential amulets include: simple gems or stones, statues, coins, drawings, pendants, rings, plants, animals, etc., even words spoken on certain occasions, for example, Namo Tassa Bhagahato Arahato Samma Sambuddhasa, are used to repel evil or bad luck.

Amulets and talismans vary considerably according to their time and place of origin. A religious amulet can be the figure of a certain god or holy monk. In Thailand, it is common to see people with more than one Buddha image hanging from their necks. Each zodiac sign corresponds to a gem that acts as an amulet, but these stones vary according to different traditions.

An ancient tradition in China involves catching a live cricket and storing it in a wicker box to attract good luck (this tradition spread to the Philippines).

Elephant figures are said to attract good luck and money if they are offered banknotes.

In India, the bells make demons flee by their sound in the wind or when a door or window is opened. Charms are also worn on the upper right arm to protect the person wearing it. In fact, this method was more popular in ancient India than wearing it as a pendant or around the neck.

Buddhism has an ancient and deep talismanic tradition. In the early days of Buddhism, just after Buddha's death, around 485 BC. C., พระเครื่อง with the symbols of Buddhism were common. Symbols like shells, Buddha footprints, and others were commonly used.

After the 2nd century BC The Greeks began to sculpt the actual image of the Buddha. These were eagerly acquired by the native Buddhists of India, and the tradition spread.

In addition to protection against supernatural powers, amulets are also used to protect against other people. For example, soldiers and those involved in other dangerous activities can wear good luck charms to increase their luck.

Amulets can be found among people of all nations and social states. They can be seen at jewelry-craft fairs, museums, shops, and homes.

To obtain the "maximum" power, the monks must pray for days the amulet and its ingredients. A high-end gold leaf edition charm from a highly respected temple costs 10,000 baht or more, ($ 300-325), more than a month's salary for many Thais.

The nation of 65 million people, most of whom remain highly superstitious despite rapid modernization in places like Bangkok, has spent more than 20 million baht ($ 625,000 to $ 650,000) on the Amulets / Good Luck Charms east year, say the newspapers.

The scale of the phenomenon is now so great that Thailand's Revenue Department is seeking ways to tax amulets sales despite a convention that donations or money destined for Buddhist temples are exempt from tax.

A good luck charm / charm is instilled with magical qualities that ward off evil spirits. They are usually worn around the neck or seen in a ring shape, charms are also seen on dashboards and rear view mirrors of cars. Good luck charms / charms are particularly large in Southeast Asia.

Buddhist charms / good luck charms have been used for centuries in Thailand. Today, it seems that almost all Thais have at least one. Amulets are said to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck and prosperity. In Buddhist countries, amulets are blessed by monks, usually one highly prized by Thai society.


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